The 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur by Pamela Wigglesworth
How to Quickly Start and Run a Successful Small Business
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Are you a corporate executive at risk of losing your job or military officer being forced into leaving military service early because of your age?
Look around you and you’ll see highly qualified, long term employees in their 50’s and 60’s unexpectedly leaving the company who suddenly find themselves jobless.
Losing your job at 50+ brings with it a host of major issues that can have a long-term impact on your lifestyle, your immediate family and financial well-being.
Truth be told, not everyone in this age group will land on their feet and find a new job. If they do, they are likely to earn 75% of what they previously earned, and it can take at least 37 weeks and up to a year and a half to land a new job depending on what country you live in.
It’s time to be pro-active and become a 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur. The time to start a new business is BEFORE you leave your current job.
Waiting until after a job loss will be too late as negative emotions such as shame, guilt and despair will kick in and may cloud your ability to make sound decisions.

The 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur is the Solution.
In The 50—60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur, fifty something entrepreneur Pamela Wigglesworth shares her concrete, step-by-step process that will show you exactly how to start and run your own small business using the entrepreneur path framework.
Inside you will learn:
What product or service solution or system to offer based on your area of expertise, knowledge of a craft or buying into a business
How to establish your consulting fee or price structure that leads to a profitable business
To create your product or service marketing strategy using a variety of marketing tactics
To uncover the secret to save time, save money and save human resources
How to overcome feeling overwhelmed as a new business owner with tips, tools and techniques to support your new venture
Wigglesworth has taken the guess work out of what to do; where and how to begin as an entrepreneur from product, pricing and promotion to topics on the use of technology, understanding the sales process and how to overcome overwhelm.
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