How To Find the Path That's Right For You
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Let's face it, there are a lot of things you want to do in your life, you're just not doing most of them. Most are just dreams or desires that you've put on the backburner for someday.

But the problem with putting things off is you could spend your entire life dreaming of something that you really don't want when all is said and done.

For example, Test Drive Your Dreams author, Jennifer Blanchard, dreamed of starting a handmade jewelry business for years, but when she finally did it, she discovered she didn't enjoy it, so she gave it up, not long after she started. By test-driving the dream, she was able to get clear that handmaking jewelry wasn't a good fit for her, and that freed her up to do something else that was.

When it comes to test driving your dreams, there are really two main options you can go with:

Option 1: Do things the way society says you should do them

This is the option most people choose, often subconsciously. They've just been programmed for so long that this is the right path they don't question it, even when they should.

Society says if you want something you must:
  • Figure out how you'll do it
  • ​Map out every step along the way
  • ​Work hard for it
  • ​Sacrifice
  • ​Toil away for years
  • ​Earn it
These are the beliefs that most people hold about going after their dreams, and that's also why a lot of people put their dreams off for "someday" or don't ever go after them at all.

You've been convinced and/or somehow convinced yourself that getting what you want equals having to do things you don't want to do. And so it's easier to hide out, play small or put your dreams and desires off for later.

But there's another option.

There's another way to approach living your dreams and desires, and it doesn't have to look like hard work, sacrifice, toiling away or earning anything.

Option 2: Do things the Test Drive Your Dreams way

This is the road less traveled, simply because most people don't understand it and it's not common, but it's always been available to you, and it can be yours the moment you choose for it to be.

In this new realm, if you want something you must:
  • Know that the How is never up to you
  • ​Trust that if you take the first step you can think of, the next step will show itself to you
  • ​Take aligned actions (aka actions that feel good to you)
  • ​Be clear on your values and standards so you live by them in all areas
  • ​Co-create with the Universe
  • ​Believe that you always have been and always will be worthy of your dreams and desires
Looks a little different than Option 1, huh?

This is the more empowering, intentional way to live your dreams. It takes bravery to step outside of the societal box and do something different, but it's worth everything you get on the other side.

Freedom. Fun. Certainty. Knowing. Clarity. Connection. Synchronicity. Ease. Flow. Satisfaction. Receiving.
It can all be yours when you click the GET MY BOOK button at the top of this page and begin giving your dreams a test drive!
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