Making Our Money Stretch by Trina Boice
The Ultimate Guide to Earning & Saving Money
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Learn how to save money and make money so you can take control of your finances today. You'll learn all about how to find and use:
* Coupons
* Freebies
* Mobile money
* Online discounts
* Gas and car deals
* Travel discounts
* Health and medical discounts
* Online tools to sell your things to earn extra money
* Free entertainment
* Ways to save money on household expenses
* Ways to prevent identity theft and fraud
* Discounts on gifts
* Ideas to teach kids about money
* Win money in sweepstakes and contests
* Win money on TV game shows
* Frugal fashion tips
* Christmas in July resources
* Ways to save money on road trips
* Ideas to save money when you have to move your house
* How to save money for large purchases
* Retirement tips
* Earn money at home
* How to create a small business
* Save money on your taxes
AND more!
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