Idea To Sales by Max Parker
Do you want to make an income teaching things you already know? 
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Find success, freedom, and adventure—outside the nine-to-five grind . . .
Learning online has become a huge industry, with content like ebooks, online courses and more dominating the market. The best part is, regular people like you and me can find success creating info products!

You don't have to be an expert because you already have what you need. What seems natural and normal to you is completely foreign to someone else, and they'd love you to teach them.

We'll be starting from zero and working our way up, helping you create a sales funnel that you can use to build an entire business (or side hustle) off of, taking someone from a stranger to a customer fast. In this book you'll learn:
- How to create your first online product
- Position your product so it's attractive to your ideal customer
- How to price and brand your product
- How to create a sales funnel to turn strangers into loyal customers
- How to write a killer sales letter and landing page to close the sale
Grab the book now and let's get started!
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