1-PAGE PLANNER by Luke Fatooros
Got an idea but not sure if it will make you money? Have a struggling business that needs more customers? Want to find your red-hot, lucrative niche of ready to buy, cash-paying raving fans? Want to create a powerful X-factor to stand out from your competition and dominate your niche?
Download my book in any format you'd like here!
"Struggling to find more customers? This is a no-nonsense, practical guide to discovering how to find more customers, willing to buy from you easier and quicker."

 Thomas Lehner, Managing Director, Talk Digital, Australia
Here's the truth from a multi-award-winning, 5 times successful entrepreneur that most successful business owners are just not willing to share.
Most businesses make this common, everyday mistake that prevents them from fast-tracking success:

They create a business idea first and then try to find a market to sell it to.

 Are you doing this right now? Most people do not understand how money really flows and what the smart entrepreneurs do first. They become obsessed with finding where there are already, cash-paying, raving fans, spending money easily. Then they position their businesses in these "sweet spots".

In this book, using real-life case-studies from my actual businesses, you will discover:
  • How to find the most lucrative business ideas cash-paying customers are searching for.
  • ​How to "shift" your struggling business into the most lucrative "sweet spots" where the cash is already flowing, and where there are plenty of customers buying easily.
  • ​The 2 Golden secrets that caused our tiny, struggling business to explode into a $12 million business in just 5 years.
  • ​The 2 Steps I used to correctly position an idea from day 1, inside a red-hot niche and create a business valued at $3.5 million in 3 years, working just 2 days a week, from a home office.
  • ​How to stand out, dominate your niche, and become the business customers want to buy from.
From 14 months of failure to $12 million in 5 years
I co-founded my first business at age 23, with just $800, in my father's shed.

After 14 months of working up to sixteen hours a day, including weekends, we were still not making any money. Why? My business was not correctly positioned in a red-hot niche of cash-paying customers. I was fishing in a pond with no fish. I had to shift my business to a pond filled with starving fish. And once I did, my little business exploded into a $12 million business in 5 years.
So, if you're struggling right now in a new or existing business and you want to boost your revenue and attract more customers to you rather than competition..
Download MY 1-Page-Planner: How to Discover Your Red-Hot Niche of Cash-Paying Raving Fans. Dominate It. Become the Business Customers Want to Buy From
by Scrolling Up and Clicking the GET MY BOOK Button at the Top of This Page!

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